Three Days to Adventure!

It’s getting real up in here people! We are three days away from Edward’s Make-a-Wish adventure trip to New York City, and we have the details. Well, most of the details. Okay, none of the details. But we have the schedule and the general overview, and this trip is going to be packed! It is going […]

He Picked the Nail Polish

I knew it.  I knew all of my flexible, liberal, permissive gender morals were going to get me into trouble someday.  You see as much as I hate society and everyone in it, I also love society, and everyone in it.  I want to be a part of it.  I want to be normal, while at […]

Santa Didn’t Come!

Happy Advent everyone!  Or, as my son likes to call it, Christmas. He was fairly certain that Thanksgiving was also Christmas, although I tried to explain to his resistant, four-year-old mind that they were actually two separate holidays.  But he was on school vacation!  And there was snow!  How could it be anything other than […]

The Advent Calendar

One of the cherished Christmas traditions in our house every year is the advent calendar.  The advent calendar is shaped like a big house and it has 24 doors in it, each of which can hold a fun little present inside, and so the idea is that, starting on December 1st, you open one door […]