The Chorus America Pumpkin: A Short History

One of my first jobs out of college was at Chorus America, the national non-profit service organization for choral music, choral singers, conductors, and administrators.  I started out as a summer temp, became the office manager, and ended up as the database administrator and webmaster.  But no matter how often or drastically my job description […]

The Government is Dead! Long Live the Government!

Why do we even need a government?  I mean, look, we have plenty of laws, so there’s no reason to have a congress at all.  Let ’em shut down!  Who needs ’em?!  And we’re getting the health care anyway, regardless of whether or not the government shuts down or not.  It’s all pre-funded and in […]

Have a Reflective Memorial Day

Number of US Deaths in World War II – 405,399 Number of US Deaths in the Korean War – 36,516 Number of US Deaths in the Vietnam War – 58,209 Number of US Deaths in the War on Terror – 6,518 and counting Percentage of Americans affected – 100%

Happy Birthday America!

Today is our nation’s birthday.  Happy Birthday America!  Now, I have a lot of feelings about this country.  Some of them are positive, and some of them are negative.  I know a lot of people will take today as an opportunity to explain to you exactly what is wrong with this country, and they are […]