Infamous Gigs: “Every Christmas Gig Ever” Edition

Ah, Christmas! The time of joy and love. The season of hope and peace. And, for musicians, the season of endless gigs. It is no secret that everyone hates music that was not created by some sort of computerized machine, which is why it is so hard for non-robotic musicians to make a living. But […]

Local Tenor Reviews His Own Concert

When I lived in the D.C.-Baltimore metro area, one thing I could count on was a review. When the Washington National Opera performed, it was written about in the papers. When the local choruses sang major concerts, reviews appeared in print and online. Even as I have traveled to other parts of the country, major […]

Pants-Optional Bach Festival

I suppose it all started with the shoes.  The black shoes that I normally wear with my tuxedo had two broken laces, and I didn’t have time to get to a store for new ones.  I did have my black Italian leather dress boots that I often wear for auditioning or performing, but they didn’t […]