How to Deal With Dating in Kindergarten

He insisted on a bike ride, even though my bike is broken, so I jogged along behind him with the dog straining at her leash, trying desperately to keep up with speed demon Edward.  I tried to convince him to stay within eyesight, and this worked for a while, but soon we got closer to […]

The Tortoise, The Hare, and Their Frustrated Father

Once upon a time, in the era of fables and fairy tales, a young man named Aesop was walking through the woods when he discovered an unusual looking tree with a hollowed out trunk.  As Aesop climbed in to inspect this strange opening, he suddenly found himself in the distant future, where he met two […]

The Inter-Child, One-Man, High Speed Relay Race

Well, it’s Wednesday again.  That means that Ruby has climbing after school.  She has so enjoyed the climbing walls at the Renaissance Festival, and she has scaled every tree on our property, so we thought she would like to take a climbing course this year.  And we were right.  She loves it.  Although I hope […]

I Know He’s Around Here Somewhere…

Things have changed.  It used to be, back in the day, that the first thing Edward would run to as we entered the doors of Toys R Us would be the trains.  There are always train tracks set up, and I would feel very comfortable wandering around the store doing all of his Christmas shopping […]

Sorry, I Have a Nervous Breakdown Scheduled at that Time

Okay, I’ll admit it.  It’s wearing me down.  This single parenting thing.  And I don’t even know what it is about it!  My wife is home on weekends, and the kids have, so far anyway, been in school during the daytimes.  The amount of time that I have to be “on” is not all that […]

Constantly Surprised

Edward is three and a half.  Or he will be next week.  Usually this means that the things he impresses me with include his extreme and unfounded self-reliance, his capacity for destruction, and his excessive use of the phrases “NO!” “Why?” and “I DO IT MYSELF!”  But every once in a while he impresses me […]

Converting a Bike Into a Balance Bike

After Ruby’s crash and subsequent new bicycle, we didn’t know what to do with her old bike.  Since it was just sitting there not helping anyone, and it had no brakes, I decided to convert it into a balance bike.  For those of you who don’t know, a balance bike is basically a regular bike, […]

How Ruby Got a New Bike

Yesterday I decided to do something ambitious.  I had taken the kids biking several times before, down to the lake, around the block, down the street to get slurpees, and to a couple of different playgrounds, but all of those trips were relatively short.  For some reason I got it into my head yesterday that […]