These Are Not the Answers You’re Looking For

In the midst of our frenetic holiday weekend, after the Walk for Wishes and before the horse racing, we got to hang out and watch a baseball game. Not only was it Make-A-Wish night for those of us who had been walking, but it was also (thanks to two previous rained-out evenings) Star Wars night. […]

Twelve Adventures: #10 – A Day at the Races

Boy, we crammed so much adventure into this weekend that I can hardly believe it all happened in the span of four days. It seems like forever ago that my wife and I drove out to embarrass ourselves in front of “Weird Al” Yankovic! (Editor’s note: wife did nothing embarrassing) We’ve been in hot tubs and saunas, […]

The International Balloon Festival of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu

When last we spoke, I told you of the woes I encountered on the way to an attempted family adventure.  We got lost.  We sat in traffic for hours.  We had no money and none of our cards worked.  The wind and rain were on the verge of cancelling the whole thing anyway.  It was […]