Racing a Bus at the DMV

I walked in at 10:30, prepared this time. I had my passport. I had my social security card, signed sloppily by 7-year-old me. I had a check stub. I had several pieces of mail. I had the vial of blood. I was ready to renew my driver’s license. Thirty minutes they told me, and I […]

The Government’s War on Birthdays

As if Christmas wasn’t enough for them, the government has come up with a horrifying plan to destroy your birthday and remove any and all fun from what is supposed to be your special day. In many, or most, if not all, states, you will find that, when you wake up on the morning of […]

FML 666

Having lived in Vermont for 9 months now (though gone for 4 of them) I decided that it was time to get my VT driver’s license and register my car.  And also the car registration was expiring on July 1st.  I went online and gathered all of the information I would need because I have […]