“Hamilton” Re-Imagined for Easter

I don’t know why Easter brings out the subversive in me. Maybe it has something to do with the culmination of the radical movement that the day celebrates. Or maybe I just like to surprise people. Two years ago I hired a funk band and opened our Easter morning worship service with Uptown Funk. And […]

Tenor Dad’s Workout Journal – Week 1

Wednesday 10:15 AM – Well, it’s done. I published it on my blog. I am going to work out for at least 30 minutes a day for all of Lent. If I don’t do it, then everyone will know. I mean, I could lie about it. These people don’t know if anything I say is […]

Uptown Funk – Easter Edition

It all started back in February, probably near Ash Wednesday sometime, when Lent and Easter were on my mind. I was driving in the car when Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk” came on the radio. Bruno Mars started singing “Uptown funk you up,” and yet all that was going through my head was “Christ is risen […]

How To Fit In Socially With the Other Teenagers

I was having Easter dinner yesterday with my good friend Rumple Station and her two children, and the conversation turned to the social lives of today’s youth. Apparently there is sometimes harsh judgement between peers at this age, and it can be hard to navigate this societal quagmire in a healthy way. You need to […]

When Is Easter This Year?

There is a very simple answer to when Easter is every year, and then a very complicated one. The complicated one involves counting full moons and equinoxes and dividing by the Council of Nicaea, multiplied by the square root of Cadbury’s, carry the bunny, and there you will have, most approximately, the date of Easter. […]

The Five Alarm Diaper of Easter 2007

I sure don’t miss diapers.  But the sad thing about no more diapers is no more diaper stories.  Like returning warriors with PTSD, parents love to swap and tell diaper stories, proudly displaying their scars like badges of honor.  Luckily I still have some old stories to tell.  Like, for instance, the five alarm diaper […]

The Hospital Parking Garage Attendant

Late last night, as I pulled out of the hospital parking garage and handed the attendant my ticket, along with the orange slip of paper that meant that my son had been admitted and I didn’t have to pay, I thought for a fleeting moment about how sad and tired I must have looked.  I […]

No Voice For the Oppressed: The Oakledge Park Easter Egg Hunt

It is a little known fact that in The United States of America, 1% of the kids are in possession of 99% of the eggs.  I think we can all agree that this is not a fair distribution of wealth.  Just because you hunt a little harder for your eggs, doesn’t explain why some kids […]

Forty Stories Long

People.  I have solved my problem.  And whichever important problem of mine you were thinking of, it’s not that one.  No, I have figured out what I am going to do for Lent this year.  Last week I was mildly complaining about that fact that all of the good things I was going to do […]

Peeps and Mountain Dew

Well, it is officially Lent.  In the past, I have tried to give up something for Lent, although this year all of my plans have been thwarted.  I had originally thought that I would give up staying up past midnight, but then I had to pick my mother up at the airport at midnight last […]