A Tale of Two Elmo Balloons

We took the family to see Sesame Street Live again yesterday.  This was our second time, and Ruby’s best friend from school came with us.  This worked out very well, except that this friend had brought money with her for a souvenir.  That meant that we had to shell out money for stuff for our […]

The Death of Elmo

Well, I guess that’s the end of it then.  Kevin Clash, the voice of Elmo, has officially resigned from Sesame Street amidst a crazy sex scandal.  If you haven’t been following the whole thing, the story goes something like this: Clash was accused of having “relations” with a then-16-year-old boy.  Sesame Street gave him some […]

Elmo’s Got the Moves

We have a new obsession at our house. It is a brand new, kind of weird, autotuned, Sesame Street dance number called “Elmo’s Got the Moves.” It is presented for your viewing pleasure here: We listen to this song approximately four bazillion times a day, and each time is met with joy and dancing. Crazy […]

Attack of the Elmo Balloons

As a parent, it is my fondest desire to give my children all of the things I always wanted but never got as a kid.  It never seems to occur to me that there were reasons I never got those things.  As soon as I think of something I used to want as a child, […]

Controlling the Cookie Monster Population

This city has a problem.  It’s not just the bedbugs anymore, now it’s the Cookie Monsters.  It’s also the Elmos, but mostly the Cookie Monsters.  People, please have your Cookie Monsters spayed or neutered.  There are so many of them wandering the streets now, that it’s hard to even walk down the sidewalk without tripping […]