How To Entertain Your Young Children at Fenway Park

This past weekend I accidentally took my family to the hottest, most boring place in the entire universe: Fenway Park. We were there to watch the Red Sox defeat the Astros 5-4, and while we did technically do that, we had to do a lot of other things as well because of how not cool […]

Singing The National Anthem at Fenway Park

Well, I finally did it.  I sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” on the field at Fenway Park.  It’s been a long time since I won that contest back in January, and now it’s hard to believe that it’s all over. We started the day by taking the “T” in for my 9:30 am sound check.  I […]

Singing My Way to Fenway

My mother called me a couple of days ago to tell me about a contest she’d heard about on the radio.  Apparently, if I went down to the mall on Saturday there would be a national anthem singing competition hosted by the Boston Red Sox, and the winner of the contest would get to perform […]