Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number Your Children Can’t Remember

How old are your parents? Do you know? Can you tell me the number quickly without thinking about it? Do you even care? Perhaps you, like me, only remember their birthdays and birthdates, and then have to recalculate every time you need to know. Hmmmm, let’s see, she was born in, uh huh, yup, and […]

Banned From the Kids’ Table

I was contacted recently by a site called Mothering in the Middle, wondering if I would be interested in being a regular contributor to their blog about “midlife” parenting. Their site deals specifically with older parents, or rather with people who became parents closer to middle age than middle school. When you get pregnant at 35 […]

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Tenor Dads

I have to be honest with you. I do not have as much hair as I used to. Look at me up there! Look at all that hair! And yet, where has it all gone? Well, there are a few reasons for what has happened. 1) Today is my birthday. I am another year older. […]

How You Know When Your Kids Look Like You

I was walking on a path through a city park the other day when I saw a jogger coming towards me.  We made eye contact and, although she looked somewhat familiar, we kept on going past each other.  Edward was puttering along just behind me, going at a normal two-year-old pace, and as she passed […]

To the Graduating Class of 2011

To my fellow students, esteemed faculty, and treasured guests, welcome.  You may be surprised to see me standing up here today, as I am not enrolled in your class and have never met any of you, but I read the speech that the guy who was supposed to be up here wrote, and believe me, […]

How to Tell If You Are Old

Dear readers, I have become old. I did not previously know this, but after spending last night out with my high school buddy Crew Darlson, it suddenly became clear to me. How had I not noticed before? I was very clearly old! Then it occurred to me that some of you out there might also […]