Cut It Out, Those Words Don’t Rhyme Anymore

One of the most important ways that cunning linguists and budding etymologists interested in orthoepy can determine the way in which words used to be pronounced, is through the use of what words used to rhyme. It’s true. You can look at old hymns and songs and poems and look at words that were obviously […]

The 30-Hour Fast (Give or Take 26 Hours)

This past weekend the youth at my church participated in a 30-hour fast, in which they drank only juice and broth from Friday afternoon until dinner on Saturday.  During this time of hunger and crankiness they held a food drive, listened to guest speakers, and planned and ran a service that would cap off the […]

Hymnal Fail

I was visiting my Dad in Maine this past weekend, and we headed to church Sunday morning like we always do.  Since he is the pastor, they notice pretty quickly if he skips a week or two.  He is a Baptist minister, but at home we go to a Methodist church, and so his church […]