Overheard on the Kindergarten Field Trip

Yesterday I had the privilege of chaperoning my son, along with the rest of his Kindergarten class, as they celebrated the end of the school year with a picnic. What follows are eleven actual quotes that I overheard the children say as I monitored them in the park. One of them was said by my […]

100 Reasons I Am a Terrible Parent

15 minutes after they had all left for school I got the text from my wife. We had forgotten his project. Not forgotten it at home. We had completely forgotten to do it at all. Despite the constant reminders, the e-mails, the notes home, the newsletters, and the personal reminder from the teacher the day […]

Dancing Through Angels

I was in a hurry. I was on my way to school. I was late. Pick up was in a few short minutes and I had been delayed when the dog suddenly decided to need a pee break at an unexpected time, so I was jogging through the cold winter air, trying to beat the […]

Everything I Ever Wanted to Do, I Did in Kindergarten

Yesterday we went in for our annual round of parent-teacher conferences. This year, for the first time ever, we got to have both conferences in the same building, because our children attend the same school. We have a 3rd grader and a kindergartener, and you will be pleased to know that they are both doing […]

The First Not Day of Pre-School

I kissed my children this morning and watched them head out the door to walk to school with their mother. With both of them at school full days now, my mornings are busier, but less hectic. I showered, dressed, searched the house for my required personal items, and then I left for my meeting at […]

I Am a Special Needs Parent

I am not a special needs parent. That sounds ridiculous. Who says that? Who would ever want to be that? Doesn’t everyone’s child have their own special needs anyway? I mean mostly they are the same, but they’re all different too. And tons of kids have worse problems than mine! I just want my child […]

The Last Day

This is it. The last day of pre-school. The last time Edward will take a bus to school, as we live across the street from the elementary school where he will begin Kindergarten in just 2 short months, 3 medium sized weeks, and one long day. Goodbye to the amazing program that has taught and […]

Kindergarten Lockdown Drill

Every day when I send my daughter off to kindergarten, I am making a huge assumption.  I am assuming that she is safe.  I am assuming that everybody is always nice to her and that her days are filled with learning to read and riding unicorns over rainbows.  No, I am not just sending her […]

No Child Left Ahead

Ruby has now completed her first full week of Kindergarten.  They started the year with a three day week of half-days (the afternoons were for individual student evaluations) and of course with Labor Day the following Monday they had only a four day week.  Now, with a full five day week under our belts, we […]

First Day of Kindergarten

Well, it finally happened.  Ruby is off to public school and we’ll never get her back again.  I suppose that sounds a little melodramatic, but it’s true.  She was so excited about starting school, and the instant we walked out the door, she abandoned us to hold hands with her friend.  It was very cute, […]