The Latest 25 Mix – July 2014

It’s about time!  I finally filled up my “Latest 25” mix on my iPod with all new songs!  As you know, when I hear a song that I want to listen to one hundred more times I stick it on this mix, and then bump the oldest one off the list, so I have a constantly […]

My Latest 25 Mix – November 2013

It’s happened again.  My iPod mix of current and favorite tunes has made it through another cycle.  This means that you get to find out exactly what embarrassing music I have been listening to for the past 6-8 months, which is usually how long it takes me to find 25 songs that I like well […]

My Latest 25 Mix – March 2013

Finally!  The blog you have all been waiting for!  What ridiculous music have I been listening to for the past 10 months?  You are about to find out.  For those of you not familiar with the concept, my latest 25 mix is the place where I put the catchiest, rockingest, songs that have caught my […]

My Latest 25 Mix – May 2012

The last time I told you about my 25 latest, favoritest ear-worms was way back in August of last year.  You can do the math, but I won’t make you.  That is 9 months ago (and really almost 10, since tomorrow is June already!).  It has taken me that long to find 25 new songs […]

My Latest 25 Mix – August 2011

Way back in November I wrote a post about my Latest 25 Mix, and talked about the different pop songs that had caught my ear for one reason or another.  Well, here we are in August and I have finally cycled through all of the songs on the list, removing Glee’s version of Teenage Dream […]

The Latest 25 Mix

I like music.  I like almost all kinds of music.  I sing opera for a living, but when I’m not on the job I don’t like listening to classical music.  My iPod is mostly full of what one might hear on the radio.  It gives me a nice break from whatever I’m working on.  But […]