Dance Away the End of Summer

Well, summer is just about over. The kids are going back to school in two days, the leaves are already turning, and there is a morning chill in the air. But what have we been listening to this summer? Well, mostly dance remixes for some reason. Laurie Berkner has a new album of old favorites […]

Infamous Gigs with Laurie Berkner!

Every so often I get the chance to communicate with a musical celebrity. In my quest to come up with interview questions that people have not been asked one million times, I have created a once-in-a-while blog feature that I call “Infamous Gigs.” And this week I got to check in with kids’ music superstar […]

What’s the Deal with Danny Weinkauf?

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, “What’s the deal with Danny Weinkauf?” Who is this guy? Where did he come from? Why is he everywhere? How does he have time to be everywhere? Does he have superpowers? If so, which superpowers does he have? Can he give me superpowers? Why not? These are […]

New Songs About Love to Enjoy With Your Kids

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means that flower sales are up and so is depression. For some reason many people think that if they are not in a romantic relationship on February 14th, then they have a problem, or that they are a problem. And where would they get this wrong idea? Oh, […]

The Latest 35 Mix For Kids

If you are a regular reader around here, then you know that I have on my iPod a playlist called the “Latest 25 Mix,” containing the last 25 songs to catch my ear. It is a rotating list, so when a new songs comes onto it, it means another song is bumped off, and so […]

Random Things On Your Head: The Unintentional Legacy of Laurie Berkner

We have a go-to song in our family for when we want to induce head-based silliness. A good time is guaranteed for all, simply by singing out “So-and-so’s got a ____ on their head (x3), and they keep it there all day!” It works for things that may have already accidentally landed on someone’s head […]