How To Love Everyone You Don’t Know

I was driving to pick my children up from Forest School the other day when I turned a corner and saw a group of kids stumble out of a cemetery, down a hill, and almost into the road. They all wore hoodies and backpacks, and they were laughing and talking together, seemingly unaware that there was no […]

New Songs About Love to Enjoy With Your Kids

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means that flower sales are up and so is depression. For some reason many people think that if they are not in a romantic relationship on February 14th, then they have a problem, or that they are a problem. And where would they get this wrong idea? Oh, […]

All I Want For Christmas is Advent

My wife is always upset with me at gift-giving seasons, because I never know what I want. This makes it very difficult to shop for me. I know I am supposed to want things; I am an American after all. And yet I really am fairly satisfied with everything I have. In fact, to go beyond that, […]

I Dated Four Girls at Once

In honor of Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I thought I would share with my dear readers a delightful tale of me at my stupidest.  In some ways I can blame sitcoms for making me think that this would be a good idea, but actually, if sitcoms have taught me anything, it is that your ridiculous antics […]

If Music Be the Food of Love, What Be the Food of Music?

“If music be the food of love, play on,Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,The appetite may sicken, and so die.” William Shakespeare wrote this a few years back, providing us with valuable insight into a heretofore unknown food chain and squarely defining love as a predator that preys on music.  This makes sense, as […]