So Long 2015, You Glorious Bastard

It is time. It is time to say goodbye to another year. This year has been, in many respects, the hardest year or my life, although I never would have known it last January 1st. No, I greeted the new year back then with no idea of what was coming for me. I spent New […]

You Celebrate Your Children’s Milestones – Do You Celebrate Yours?

Childhood is full of milestones. So many of the skills that we use every day are learned during those early years of development; reading, writing, walking, talking, all of these activities arrive with triumphant recognition by the parents. Growth charts on the wall mark the progression of height, and every school year now comes with […]

If You Give A Kid A Laser Weapon…

How was your New Year’s Eve?  Ours was awesome, as usual.  Because we live in Burlington, VT, which means that we get to go to First Night!  Buy a button and you have access to shows, crafts, events, projects, art, and so much more, with no alcohol, smoking, or other non-family friendly items allowed.  This […]

Progress: A 2014 Year-End Review

What a year!  So many things have happened, some bad, many good, but I finally feel, perhaps for the first time in a long time, that this has been a year of progress on almost every front.  Things are getting better!  At least for me.  If things are not going better for you, I have […]

A Toddler’s New Year in the Garden of Earthly Delights

New Year’s Eve is kind of a grown up holiday.  You stay up really late, generally people are drinking and/or kissing, and the whole thing deals with the marking of time, which kids have very little concept of anyway.  This is why having kids totally messes up New Year’s.  Kids make Christmas better, and even […]

The Difference Between Resolutions and Goals

I am not making any New Year’s resolutions this year.  What’s the point?  I never keep them anyway.  Resolving to do something always seems like a good idea at the time, but in practice is very hard for me to follow through on.  Instead, I am going to make goals.  Or set goals, rather.  Making […]

2012 Highlight Reel

Wow.  Another year, come and gone.  It’s hard to believe.  But since this is the last day of 2012, and tomorrow we all get to start a new year, with all of the hope and possibility that that entails, it seems like a good time to reflect on the past year of life.  Thank goodness […]

Prosperous Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving.  Happy Birthday.  Happy New Year’s.  Happy Valentine’s Day.  Merry Christmas.  Hmmmmm.  Why does Christmas get a special greeting?  You know, in England they just say Happy Christmas.  You can tell this from watching Harry Potter movies.  So why did we choose “merry?”  Why not just leave it at “happy?”  Well, because merry just […]

What Our Kid Selves Can Teach Our Confused Adult Selves

While I was at my mother’s house on New Year’s Eve, on one hand celebrating the ending of 2011 and on the other celebrating Christmas with my brother, I was given a gift.  I don’t know if she just wanted it out of the way, but while I was eating frozen shrimp and playing board […]

The Closing of the Year

So that’s it.  2011 is pretty much over.  The next time I write and post something, it will be in 2012.  END OF DAYS!  Or not.  I guess we’ll see.  But whether we all explode in a Mayan fireball, or just slowly kill our own selves off by drilling pipelines and shopping at Wal*Mart, the […]