Parenting is Like Working at Five Guys

I sat at the small, greasy table a few feet from the counter, checking Facebook on my phone. This is the table that no one ever sits at unless they are waiting for a “to-go” order, or unless there are no other tables available. And I, like so many others at the table before me, […]

The Adventures of Freddy the Frog the Fly

“What are you talking about?” I mumbled to my children over my burrito. I had been half paying attention to the muted tv screen high on the far wall, and half paying attention to what was happening at the table, but I wanted to increase my parenting points so I made a clumsy effort to […]

Would You Rather…?

One of the most important things for any parent to know is the schedules and locations of any restaurant where kids eat free within a fifty mile radius of their house.  The closest and most popular place for my personal family is Denny’s.  Tuesday nights.  Kids eat free.  We go there a lot.  Not as […]

I Will NOT Fork his Noodle!

Did you ever have a conversation in a public place that, upon further reflection, might sound weird taken out of context to the people around you?  And have you ever had one of those conversations at top volume at dinner time in a busy restaurant?  I know I have.  Last night, actually.  I was trying […]