The Opera Alphabet (Which I Will Now Rap For You)

As you know, my wife is out of town. So I did this today. Happy Friday! Aida’s assaulted and attacked and angers Amneris Also Andrea Chenier agitates all Paris But Billy Budd’s bod by Benjamin Britten Is Bangin’ and Boomin’. Opera bug has bitten. Callas can clearly communicate Carmen And Cecilia’s Cosi is iconically charming […]

Last Day in Florida

Today is my last day in Florida.  Tomorrow morning I am flying home to the frozen north where, my mother tells me, school was canceled yesterday due to cold.  It was 33 below zero.  Hooray.  So any odd or amusing videos I make from now on will not have palm trees or orange trees in […]

Opera Should Be Fun

To some, opera is a very serious art form.  I certainly don’t mean to diminish the amount of time, effort, and money that goes into such a grand proceding, but those things are not why I went into music.  Yes it takes weeks, even months to learn a role.  It takes serious hard work, and […]