Deep Theological Discussions with Elementary School Children

The scene: a gathering of Sunday School children.  The place: a church chapel.  The time: yesterday morning.  The joy: LEADER: “Okay everyone, as you might remember, this month we’re talking about the greatest commandment…” CHILD 1: “DON’T TALK TO ME ABOUT THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT!”  (runs off) LEADER: “Now, can anyone tell me what the greatest […]

The Further Adventures of John the Baptist

You may recall that, for the past month, I have been dressing up as John the Baptist every Sunday morning in an attempt to teach Sunday School for the first time in my life.  You may also recall that the number one thing I had managed to impart as of last week was that I […]

Why Is John The Baptist So Fat?

I am teaching Sunday School this month.  The way it works at our church is that parents sign up for a one month stint either being a teacher or a helper, and that way we have enough teachers and nobody has to miss church for more than a few weeks a year.  It’s a pretty […]