One Theory on Why Oscars Viewership Was Down

President Garfield said today that the number of viewers for this past weekend’s Academy Awards was down, and that it was because of him. And isn’t everything about him? Besides being orange and mean, President Garfield is very intuitive. He has the best intuits. He is basically a huge tuit-head. But I have another theory. […]

If You Don’t Win, It Isn’t Not Worth It

This past weekend, professional football player James Harrison, who is not so famous that people who don’t follow football have ever heard of him, posted this picture to instagram. It is a picture of two trophies that his sons received for participating in sports, and which he forced them to return to the school. He […]

I Am A Mother

I am not a mother, in case that post title was somewhat misleading. I am a father. But I may not be one in the traditional sense of the word. As a stay-at-home Dad, and blogger about such things, I am at the forefront of the online men’s movement to become more like women. Wait, […]

Opera Bowl 2014

Well, it happened.  The most opera ever in a Super Bowl.  After all of the “hype” and “controversy” that the media stirred up, an opera singer sang the national anthem at the Super Bowl.  Was it good?  Was it terrible?  Did it help the world of classical music and opera?  Did it hurt it?  Well, […]

A Few Thoughts About Renée Fleming, The Super Bowl, and The Bieb

Opera megastar Renée Fleming is singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl on Sunday.  For some reason, this has made some people upset.  So I would like to say, in the nicest way possible, let’s sit down and figure this out as friends.  You idiots.  I mean, I don’t know who you want to sing […]

A Sad Story That My Wife Finds Funny

So I was on my way to my brother-in-law’s house to watch the Super Bowl, and I asked him if he needed any snacks.  He told me that he was good with the snackage, and had plenty of beer, but was light on the soda.  Since you all know that I do not drink beer, […]

A “Christmas and Easter” Football Fan

Perhaps you have heard the term “Christmas and Easter Christians” before, or perhaps you haven’t.  It is a term that we, the “regular” churchgoing members use to describe those people that we only see twice a year.  They might be members of the church, or they might not, but they do not attend weekly services, […]

But I Really Only Wanted the Sandwich…

Yesterday marked my Carnegie Hall debut.  Yes, it was as a ringer in a high school chorus, but we are not focusing on that right now.  The point is, I sang on stage at Carnegie Hall.  For some of you though, yesterday may have been about a different special event.  I am talking, of course, […]

Does Watching the Same Commercial 6 Times in a Row Really Work?

Let’s see if I can somehow relate this rant to either music or parenting.  As a parent, I needed some unwinding time after the kids were in bed, so I decided to watch the music-filled show “Glee” on my computer, since I had missed the Superbowl episode due to lack of television.  And while watching […]

Cheering for the Unpackers

I know that many of you were rooting for the Steelers or the Packers on Sunday, but I have to throw my support behind the Unpackers.  This is because I cannot find anything.  For some reason, I thought that moving would be the hard part of moving, but the worst part is actually the unpacking. […]