What’s the Deal with Danny Weinkauf?

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, “What’s the deal with Danny Weinkauf?” Who is this guy? Where did he come from? Why is he everywhere? How does he have time to be everywhere? Does he have superpowers? If so, which superpowers does he have? Can he give me superpowers? Why not? These are […]

New Spring Music For Kids!

Last week you had the chance to win some new music from Raffi, and I am happy to report that the contest has been won by local Vermont person Conga Insanity. Conga has entered every one of my giveaways and has never won before, so I’m sure she will be thrilled to discover not only […]

Music I Wish I Had Written

Have you ever loved something so much that you wish you had created it?  It sounds, on the surface, like a very strange thing.  Are we not lazy Americans?!  Is it not better to have someone else do the work, and then to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor?  What is is […]