The Opera Alphabet (Which I Will Now Rap For You)

As you know, my wife is out of town. So I did this today. Happy Friday! Aida’s assaulted and attacked and angers Amneris Also Andrea Chenier agitates all Paris But Billy Budd’s bod by Benjamin Britten Is Bangin’ and Boomin’. Opera bug has bitten. Callas can clearly communicate Carmen And Cecilia’s Cosi is iconically charming […]


The opera Tosca, written entirely by Giacomo Puccini (except for the libretto help from Luigi Illica, but come on, he can’t have helped that much), is a comedy of epic proportions, centered around the character of Mario Cavaradossi, a bumbling painter who is the subject of numerous pranks at the hands of his girlfriend Floria Tosca […]