Paying Two Rents, Got Nowhere to Sleep

Well, we did it, We moved. Sort of. Mostly. Long story. Now where is the perfect place to tell a long story….? Hmmmmmm…… We were going to move in July, but that’s when they found the asbestos. We changed our moving date to the end of July, which was when they found the other asbestos. Now […]

The Mystery of the Boy with the Popsicle

Once we had found the great white whale of summer, it was hard to unfind it. Apparently a parking lot full of excited children was not an easy temptation to resist, so that darn ice cream truck has been frequenting our neighborhood ever since I inadvertently lured it right into the heart of Kiddie Shangri-La. […]

The Great White Whale of Summer

It was a warm day, warmer than it had yet been that season, and we walked in the front door tired and sweaty. “Can we have ice cream?” the children asked me, and I conceded that yes, if ever there was a time for unscheduled ice cream, this would be that time. I trudged up […]

A Close Call With a Large Truck

The roads were bad when I dropped Ruby off at climbing, and they were worse when I drove to my rehearsal.  By the time I got out and prepared to make my way home, the snow, ice, sleet, hail, and general slush falling from the sky had made them almost impassable.  I pulled my hood […]