The Divided Kingdom – Brexit, Trump, & the United Methodist Church

Yesterday our cousins over in England voted to cut themselves off from their neighbors and leave the European Union in what is now know as the Brexit. This decades-long exercise in cooperation and tolerance has come to an end for the people of England, formerly of the United Kingdom. I say formerly of the United […]

Engaging Activities for Young Children in Music Class

I am spending most of this week at church, teaching music to a bunch of 4-10 year-olds at Vacation Bible School. This is why my posts are coming later than usual. This is why I am making sad faces at perpetual morning person Rumple Station from 8 AM to at least 10:15. But we have […]

Fun New Ways to Mess With Your Parishioners

During Vacation Bible School in June we decorated the sanctuary like a backyard camp.  The pulpit became a treehouse, the lectern got a swimming pool addition, and nature-themed decorations were put up all over the front walls.  Then, after the week of fun, games, and music, we took them all down.  All except one. For […]

How I Learned to Drywall

This week I am spending my mornings running music at my church’s Vacation Bible School program, and while I am already about to pass out from exhaustion, I’m having a great time.  There is something supremely awesome about watching your kids run around the same building you used to frequent as a kid yourself, as […]

The Only Person I Hate

Yesterday, as we were driving home from a Vacation Bible School day during which we learned about serving our friends, I had an interesting conversation with my children on the subject of hate.  You see, I asked them if they had made any friends at VBS, and our neighbor who was riding with us casually […]