Santa Got Covid

I like my coffee like I like my humor: black. No, just kidding. I hate coffee. But I do have to laugh at things that are terrible. It’s my way of dealing, I guess. Even things that are objectively not funny at all. I was thinking about this as I accidentally began to write my […]

To Ruby on the Occasion of the End of the World

Dear Ruby, it is the end of the world. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not. No, I’m not talking about Corona Virus, although I know that seems very apocalyptic and stressful right now. Thank goodness we had your birthday party a week early! If we’d had it on your actual birthday, it would […]

I Lied to My Daughter This Morning and Told Her She Was Safe

I lay awake most of the night, wondering how I was going to explain to my daughter that not only would she not open her eyes to our first female president, but that most of the country had decided that it was okay to elect a man who thinks that sexual assault is a joke. […]

Standing Up For My Friend

Today is Bleric Ack’s birthday, so I decided to get him a present. An hilarious present. At least I thought so. I pulled out my tablet (oh, who am I kidding, it was already out and in my hand), found the website I was looking for, and began the minutes-long process of ordering something digital […]


As always, the most important question of Nerdstock is what nerdy desserts I am going to bring. It’s always hard to top the year 1 cupcake challenge, or the year 2 dragon, but I do try. There were the zombie cookies, which I liked a lot, but this year I decided to try for a […]

To Ruby on Her Eleven-and-a-halfth Birthday

Dear Ruby, Today you are eleven and a half. You may have noticed that this letter is technically arriving half a year late. And yes, it’s true. In the past I have written to you on your birthday point zero, and I have used this space to do it. But now I don’t write here […]

My Eight-Year-Old Learns to Drive

Every day he asks me if he can drive the car. When I decline his generous offer my 8-year-old son asks if he can at least start the car. And maybe release the e-break. And then shift it into reverse for me so we can pull out of the parking spot. And I often say […]

A Few Questions For Raffi

Children’s music icon, environmentalist, and all-around nice guy Raffi is coming to Vermont this week to perform a show at the Flynn Theater in Burlington, so I thought I’d ask him a few questions before he arrives! Tenor Dad: Hi Raffi! You have an upcoming show in Vermont. How often do you perform in Vermont, […]

Enjoy Your Bag of Meat

At what point do you just give up? As a parent you fight the important battles, and then you fight them again, and then you check your hit points and realize that you either have to retreat or die. And sometimes you stand on that hill and you die on it. And sometimes you hand […]

Why I Go to Church

Last night I took my wife to a concert in Boston. It was her Christmas present, finally come to fruition, and we both left work early to make the drive/pilgrimage to the House of Blues to see her favorite band, Walk Off the Earth. The concert was standing-room-only, which I thought would be fine because […]