Seven Interesting Things to Do With Leftover Turkey

Whelp, Thanksgiving has come and gone here in America.  We have all gained ten pounds, and the Earth is starting to sag ever so slightly in our direction, due to the increasing weight of Americans.  But now that it is Friday, what are we supposed to do with all of these meaty turkey carcasses that […]

Tenor Dad Goes Bowling

Kids love bowling.  This is a true fact, and even though my kids had never been bowling before, I knew that they would love it.  Because they are kids.  And kids love bowling. They have played Wii bowling before, and they loved that.  They also have played home bowling using a rubber ball and some […]

Bowling For Babies

There is a new game at Nini’s house now.  It involves a rubber ball and several empty 1 liter bottles.  I believe that it is supposed to be played something like bowling, but, as I discovered the other day, bowling for babies is quite different from bowling for adults. For one thing, babies do not […]