Captain Hindsight’s Tips for International Travel

Hello citizens! Captain Hindsight here. Recently, the missus and I took the little hindsights on a trip across the border to Canada. Using my unique super powers, I now know many important travel tips that have come to me after the fact. And because I am a do-gooder, I will now share this important information […]

A Life in Ornaments

As soon as my wife and I were married we decided on a few things.  The first was that we were going to travel the world together and have amazing adventures.  This kicked off immediately as we honeymooned in Mexico, Belize, and the Caymen Islands, thanks to a Carnival cruise.  The second was that we […]

Riding a Unicycle Backwards Across a High Wire

I didn’t mean to do it.  It’s just one of those things that happens, I guess.  I certainly didn’t wake up that morning planning to ride a unicycle backwards across a high wire.  But there I was, balanced precariously above the people walking obliviously beneath me, with nothing between us but two stories of space […]

Edward Makes a Phone Call

After our late and exciting evening at the hot air balloon festival, we decided to sleep in, relaxing and lounging in our moderately fabulous hotel room that included doors between my bed and the children’s bed.  We made it to breakfast exactly before it ended, we did nothing all glorious morning, and then we went […]

The International Balloon Festival of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu

When last we spoke, I told you of the woes I encountered on the way to an attempted family adventure.  We got lost.  We sat in traffic for hours.  We had no money and none of our cards worked.  The wind and rain were on the verge of cancelling the whole thing anyway.  It was […]