A Few Questions For Raffi

Children’s music icon, environmentalist, and all-around nice guy Raffi is coming to Vermont this week to perform a show at the Flynn Theater in Burlington, so I thought I’d ask him a few questions before he arrives! Tenor Dad: Hi Raffi! You have an upcoming show in Vermont. How often do you perform in Vermont, […]

Why I Go to Church

Last night I took my wife to a concert in Boston. It was her Christmas present, finally come to fruition, and we both left work early to make the drive/pilgrimage to the House of Blues to see her favorite band, Walk Off the Earth. The concert was standing-room-only, which I thought would be fine because […]

Infamous Gigs with Laurie Berkner!

Every so often I get the chance to communicate with a musical celebrity. In my quest to come up with interview questions that people have not been asked one million times, I have created a once-in-a-while blog feature that I call “Infamous Gigs.” And this week I got to check in with kids’ music superstar […]

An Apology to “Weird Al” Yankovic

Dear Al, You probably don’t remember me. In fact, I kind of hope you don’t because I am a little embarrassed about the other night. We met for the second time and I had about ten amusing things running through my head to say to you, and instead I said an obnoxious thing that seemed […]

The Merits of Being There

There are substitutes for many things in life, but time is not one of them. There is no way to make up for lost time, despite our constant attempts. How often we try to recreate a moment, only to finally realize, “I guess you had to be there.” There simply is nothing that can replace […]

Infamous Gigs: Exclusive Okee Dokee Brothers Edition

Last night my children and I had the extreme honor and privilege to see the Grammy-award-winning duo The Okee Dokee Brothers perform their first ever Vermont show. It was a beautiful evening out at Bread and Butter Farm, and though they always have marvelous music and fantastic food there, last night just seemed extra special. We […]

Win Tickets to The Okee Dokee Brothers at Bread and Butter Farm!

Vermont friends, I am writing to you with some exciting news about an opportunity for you to hear some great music. As you probably know, I have been getting very excited about kids’ music lately, and one of the best groups out there is the Grammy-winning duo from Colorado, the Okee Dokee Brothers. You may […]

Nerdwatching at the “Weird Al” Yankovic Concert

Nerdwatching, or nerding, is a form of wildlife observation in which the observation of nerds is a recreational activity. It can be done with the naked eye, through a visual enhancement device like binoculars and telescopes, or by listening for nerd sounds. Most nerdwatchers pursue this activity for recreational or social reasons, unlike whedonologists, who […]

Local Tenor Reviews His Own Concert

When I lived in the D.C.-Baltimore metro area, one thing I could count on was a review. When the Washington National Opera performed, it was written about in the papers. When the local choruses sang major concerts, reviews appeared in print and online. Even as I have traveled to other parts of the country, major […]

A Fun Game to Play When Faced With an Audience

There I was, sitting on stage for a concert of Magnificats.  First row, front and center, surrounded by a chorus and hanging over an orchestra, I had nowhere to hide and nothing to do.  First was an a cappella setting by Tallis that I was not singing in, and then came the Vivaldi version.  That […]