Angry Tenor Hurls Watch at Soprano For Breaking Chair

I don’t know if last night’s show is going to reviewed, but if it is, the headline might read something like, “Angry Tenor Hurls Watch at Soprano For Breaking Chair.”  That may have been what happened, but that was not my motivation.  I think I should start at the beginning. It all started when the […]

In Disguise: A Video Tale of Die Fledermaus

When I did Rigoletto here in Florida last winter, I had a lot of free time on my hands, and so I created a video tribute to the character of Sparfucile, in the style of Bob Dylan.  When I returned in the spring, I decided to do another video, since everybody seemed to enjoy the […]

Lost in Translation

Do you remember the other day, when I was telling you about learning the wrong translation of Die Fledermaus?  Well, I just wanted to give you all an update on that situation.  As it turns out, the whole new translation I re-learned was also completely wrong.  Like, the whole thing.  All of the lines I […]

Die Fledermaus

Die Fledermaus (literally, Batman) is an operetta by Johann “The Other” Strauss, which exactly follows the plot of La Rondine, which, as you may recall, has the same plot as La Traviata, which, as we all know, is really just the same story as Pretty Woman. Let me sum up the plots of both Die […]