Big Block Singsong

Remember when I wrote that I got sent a package of things to review? Well, in addition to that lifesaving lullaby CD/Book combo, I also received one other totally free item for my perusal: an advance copy of the Big Block Singsong DVD. If you are not familiar with Big Block Singsong, then you clearly […]

Sometimes I Miss Video Stores

I got a Playstation 4 for Christmas from my daughter’s teddy bear.  It is amazing and I love it.  Of course you can play games on it, since it is technically a gaming console, but there are so many other things you can do with it, like stream movies and television!  Wirelessly connected to our […]

Why I Accidentally Bought a Blu-Ray Player

I should not be allowed to go shopping for electronics.  There are certain things that my wife should not be allowed to go out shopping for too, and course things you don’t want to send your kids out shopping for (like toys), but when it comes to places you don’t want to let me loose […]

Pre-Format Anxiety

I have a DVD player.  I use it almost daily.  I have a huge collection of DVDs, all sorted nicely in their tower shelves.  When I watch movies at home I exclusively watch them on my DVD player, or saved on the DVR.  I can even watch Netflix movies on my Wii now, by putting […]