Three Thai Restaurants

Yesterday was my day off, and so my friend Sandrew and I decided to go out to dinner after a lazy day by the pool.  After a short debate, we decided on Thai food and looked up the closest places on the ol’ GPS.  There turned out to be a good one very close to […]

How I Almost Got Beaten Up

So for those of you who don’t know, I, like many singers, have a small problem with reflux.  I also have some post nasal drip issues that I will not get into here, and when you combine these things with my allergies, well, let’s just say that I tend to clear my throat a lot.  […]

Well That Was a Waste of Money – TDORK at Disney World

Parents, if you want to torture yourself and your children, here is how you start: get them up at the crack of dawn and tell them they are going to Disney World, and then tell them that your hosts are still sleeping and they have to be quiet.  This was how we started out, and […]

TDORK – Tenor Dad On the Road with Kids

And so it begins.  A 1500 mile car trip in a car containing a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old.  I cannot remember at what point I thought this was a good idea, and if blogs this week seem garbled, nonsensical, and/or on the verge of madness, well then it’s just another regular old week here at […]

The Food Trucks of St. Pete

Having done a pretty thorough analysis of the food trucks in New York City while I was there, I thought it only right to do the same thing for the fair city of St. Petersburg, FL.  I guess I should rename this post “The Food TRUCK of St. Pete,” because I could only find one.  […]

The South

I don’t know how you spent your weekend, but I spend mine driving from Vermont to Florida.  The first leg of my journey was a familiar path, from Vermont to the D.C. area, but on Sunday I spent my day in the South. Now some of you might be saying “Hey Tenor Dad, aren’t you […]

Driving From Vermont to Florida

Well, this is it folks: my last day in Vermont.  Tomorrow I am driving to Florida.  If I don’t post a blog on Monday, it means I didn’t make it.  I was originally going to do the drive over three days, but then I realized how not-crazy that would be, so now I am going […]

Jiggety Jig

I am home again, home again.  Back to Vermont, back to the snow, and back to my family.  After staying up much too late at a cast party the night before (and getting home to the realization that I had not packed at all yet), I woke up at the ungodly hour of 6 am.  […]

Last Day in Florida

Today is my last day in Florida.  Tomorrow morning I am flying home to the frozen north where, my mother tells me, school was canceled yesterday due to cold.  It was 33 below zero.  Hooray.  So any odd or amusing videos I make from now on will not have palm trees or orange trees in […]

Bonus Chicken

Part of the fun of being in a new place is trying new restaurants, so I’ve been trying different eateries as often as I can while I’m in Florida.  I’ve been to Firehouse Subs, Sonny’s BBQ, Antonio’s and Sila Thai.  All good, and all not available in Vermont.  Yesterday some friends and I decided to […]