The Opera Alphabet (Which I Will Now Rap For You)

As you know, my wife is out of town. So I did this today. Happy Friday! Aida’s assaulted and attacked and angers Amneris Also Andrea Chenier agitates all Paris But Billy Budd’s bod by Benjamin Britten Is Bangin’ and Boomin’. Opera bug has bitten. Callas can clearly communicate Carmen And Cecilia’s Cosi is iconically charming […]

Why This Is Late

I never promised to blog in the morning, just that I would do it every day, and yet having fallen into a pattern of morning postings, I do feel like I have missed a deadline by posting so late. But there were too many distractions today whenever I tried to write something! For instance: 5) […]

43 Hours – 4 Shows

So here I am feeling like I’m at the end of this Gianni Schicchi production, when the maestro announces last evening that we are over the hump. 5 shows down, 4 to go. Wait a minute! 4 to go? 2 days from now I’m going to be hanging out with my family! How can there […]

Le Schicch: The Ballad of Gianni Schicchi

Last time I was in Florida I had a lot of free time on my hands, and I used that time to make some silly videos.  This time I have been trying to learn an opera in my free time, so there hasn’t been as much of a chance for silliness.  However, I know that […]

Look at Me! I’m on TV!

Yesterday I had the distinct and unusual pleasure of being on the local morning show to sing opera and hype my show.  The program was called “Studio 10” and there I was sandwiched between a lady speculating as to what Kate Middleton’s hair is going to look like at the wedding, and the SPCA and […]

Gianni Schicchi

What is your favorite thing about opera?  Is it Italian people yelling at each other and throwing things?  It is?  Well, then Gianni Schicci is the perfect opera for you!  And it is often done in English, so you might have a chance at figuring out what is going on! Gianni Schicchi is the story […]