In Which I Contemplate a Life of Crime to Help My Son

It was right there… All I had to do was to reach over the counter and take it… To begin with, I was not at my best. We had been in the hospital all week and sleep was not really a thing anymore. They had finally released us and sent us home with a prescription […]

2 Years Seizure Free

My children have epilepsy.  One of them doesn’t like me to talk about it (but he’s fine and there are no updates anyway, hallelujah), and the other one, well, she’s fine too.  But there are still updates.  Because we have reached the magical milestone of two years on medication with no seizure activity.  This is […]

Medicine Sandwich

I know that I said I wasn’t going to post about my son’s health issues anymore, and I’m not.  But I cannot give you an honest depiction of my ongoing situation without at least referencing how our continuing family struggles are affecting me. the way I parent, and the way I live my life.  For […]

Should Have Taken My Meds First

So last week I started taking some medication to hopefully help with my focusing issues, and I have to say that I think it is helping.  I am getting a lot more done, I am already more organized, and when I do get distracted I realize it quickly and am able to quit the distraction […]

So You Want To Start Making Ecstasy…

Last Friday I went to my doctor and asked to be screened for ADHD.  Well, my new doctor.  My old doctor quit and went into sports medicine, which was fine with me because, honestly, I found him a little intimidating.  The last thing I need is super good-looking doctor in great shape looking at my […]

A Game Of Medicines

Something has gone wrong.  In my plan for my life, vague as it may be, my children are happy and healthy with the minimum number of problems required for them to become interesting people.  But this is all more than I bargained for.  Ruby’s epilepsy has thrown a wrench into my otherwise foolproof plan.  And […]

New Adventures in Medication

Well, it’s official.  Ruby’s epilepsy medication is not working.  We’re switching to something new.  I don’t know if it will work, but at least it feels like we are doing something.  The neurologist gave us two choices.  One medication has a slightly higher rate of success, but far more side effects, and the other still […]