Time in a Bottle

My wife is very smart. She is able to evaluate, discern, and make important decisions. She knows that you cannot store time in a bottle. I, on the other hand, throw everything against the wall to see what sticks, and if it doesn’t stick I probably leave it there anyway. And as for time, well, […]

Legacy: Weeding the Memory Garden

I’m going to have something really exciting for you tomorrow. Today, all I have is this. I sat down this morning and began to put together something really fun for “Tenor Tuesday,” but tomorrow will have to be Tenor Wednesday, because today I am looking at pictures. And really it all started last night. Ever since […]

The Tragedy of Unfulfilled Potential and Unmet Expectations

I was very sad when I found out that Alan Rickman had died. Just days after we all publicly mourned David Bowie, suddenly we were faced with the loss of yet another of our beloved cultural icons. I was sad for selfish reasons, as we always are, because now I would never see him in […]

Doing Lines with my Daughter

I don’t know if it is the quickness of youth, or if my daughter is just way better at performing than I am, but she can really memorize, and in almost no time at all! I know this, because she keeps asking me to do lines with her. I try to tell her that we […]

Every Year (For Two Years)

Time is weird.  It’s all relative, and it changes as you age.  And to make matters worse, memory is unreliable.  And there is nothing that makes you realize just quite how weird and unreliable you are like having children.  Things I thought were true are no longer true, and I only know this because my […]

Childhood Amnesia

I have always been amazed by my daughter’s ability to remember stories and details from events that I can barely recall myself.  I find myself saying “Oh yeahhhhh…” on a regular basis when she reminds me about a party that we went to three years ago, and what shirt I was wearing to it.  But […]

What Kids Remember

Kids have weird memories.  I always wonder what kinds of stuff they will actually recall from their childhood, and what will be lost to them.  For instance, both of my children were born in the same house in Baltimore, and Ruby can still describe it pretty well.  Edward only lived there for 6 months, so […]