What to Do With Your Empty Boxes After You Move

Well, we’re moved in. We’re even mostly unpacked! So then why does it look so terrible around here?! Why does it still feel like moving day?! Could it be the piles and stacks of empty boxes that seem to be hanging around like an unwanted houseguest? I think that may be it. So we need […]

The Dangerous Appeal of Good Enough

This is a pivotal moment. I am hovering right on the event horizon of “good enough.” Things aren’t as bad as they were, and with some workarounds I am able to get done most of what I need to get done. Things are not good, obviously, but they might be good enough. And there is no greater […]

Reunited and it Feels So (Super) Good

I think most of you know that I am a super hero nerd. It’s hard to hide it. But I was a super hero nerd before it was cool. Before Marvel ever made a movie, and even before Tim Burton got his hands on Batman. You see I’m not just a super hero nerd; I’m […]

The Things You Learn On Your First Night in a New House

I didn’t write a post yesterday. Instead, I filmed a virtual tour of our new house and you probably already saw it on Facebook. If, for some strange reason, you are not following Tenor Dad on Facebook, here is a link to the page so that you can see the video and click “like” and […]

Paying Two Rents, Got Nowhere to Sleep

Well, we did it, We moved. Sort of. Mostly. Long story. Now where is the perfect place to tell a long story….? Hmmmmmm…… We were going to move in July, but that’s when they found the asbestos. We changed our moving date to the end of July, which was when they found the other asbestos. Now […]

Pre Moving Day

Tomorrow is moving day. That makes today pre-moving day, which is even worse. I really shouldn’t be typing this right now. I don’t have time. Tomorrow we will just go, go, go, and whatever happens happens. Today is for everything else. We just got back from the vet. The cat is fine. Ear mites are gone. […]

The Things We Pack, and the Things We Don’t

We are 17 days away from the big move, and packing is starting to kick into high gear. A month out, I tried to divide the job into 4 weekly packing categories: things we use all the time, things we use a lot but could live without for a time, things we use occasionally, and […]

What My Kids Did When I Told Them We Were Moving

Did I mention that we were moving? No, I didn’t, because it was not public knowledge until quite recently. But now that it has been announced in the church’s annual report and I have had several congregation members ask me about it, I feel safe to finally announce that next month we will be leaving […]

Gypsies, Nomads, and a Firm Foundation

I was born in Connecticut almost three dozen years ago to a baptist minister and a professional “minister’s wife.”  We lived there until I was almost two and then left for New Hampshire where my father had been transferred.  My earliest memories are of that house in New Hampshire, and we stayed there until I […]

The Incarceration of Cats

When we first got our original cat, he was strictly an indoor cat.  He came from being an indoor car and continued his indoor existence without much of a problem.  Mr. J did not seem to be all that interested in going outside, occasional mad dash into the hallway notwithstanding. At the time that we […]