Racing a Bus at the DMV

I walked in at 10:30, prepared this time. I had my passport. I had my social security card, signed sloppily by 7-year-old me. I had a check stub. I had several pieces of mail. I had the vial of blood. I was ready to renew my driver’s license. Thirty minutes they told me, and I […]

To a Kid, Everyone is a Potential Friend

Why is it so hard to make new friends?  Why is it that many of our close friends are ones that we made when we were younger?  High school friends, college friends, even pre-school friends can stick with us for decades, often after years of separation.  One phone call and there you are, back in […]

Apology to My Neighbors

Dearest Neighbors, I am very sorry for the incident of yesterday afternoon.  By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late to stop it.  I was carrying a large basket of laundry across the courtyard to the laundry room, and I swear Edward was right behind me for most of the way.  […]