One Theory on Why Oscars Viewership Was Down

President Garfield said today that the number of viewers for this past weekend’s Academy Awards was down, and that it was because of him. And isn’t everything about him? Besides being orange and mean, President Garfield is very intuitive. He has the best intuits. He is basically a huge tuit-head. But I have another theory. […]

Who Is Voting Is As Important As Who Is Running

Sunday night I hosted my 13th annual Oscars party, and a group of people slightly too large for my apartment gathered in my living room to watch the show. We had our normal foods, Revenachos, Mad Snax: Veggie Road, The Cheese Danish Girl, and a Bridge of Pies. We had a spotlight on some cheese […]

Oscar Nominations 2016

Last year, as you may recall, I made a bet with Cave Dane, my brother-in-law who is good at winning, as to which one of us could more accurately predict the best picture nominations prior to the announcement. And obviously, he won. Despite the fact that I host an epic Oscars party every year, and […]

A Real American Hero, Rolling to the Rescue

After our movie screening on Saturday, as I tried vainly to clean my house for my big party the following evening, I was beset by my mother. She had, unbeknownst to me, decided to stay the rest of the day at my house with her various small children. Luckily her young minions know how to […]

How to Make a Grand Budapest Hotel Cake

My regular readers will recall that, at my last Oscars party, I attempted to make a “Baked Nebraska” in honor of one of the nominated films. They will also recall how it was a complete disaster (but quite delicious), so everyone breathed a sigh of relief when no movies with the syllables “aska” were in […]

The 2015 Oscar Nominations

Today is one of my favorite days of the year.  It is the day on which I get to see a list of films that, had I not decided to have children, I would have seen some of.  And it is a list of films that, again without the kids, I would attempt to check […]

A Few Thoughts on Pink, Pharrell, Bette Midler, and Adele Dazeem

Sunday night, as I invented a new dessert, a group of friends sat around my apartment and watched the 86th Academy Awards.  This year, there were a lot of things that people were not able to complain about.  The orchestra generally did not cut people’s speeches short.  The “filler” segments were kept to a minimum. […]

How Martha Stewart Tried to Ruin My Oscars Party

For the eleventh year in a row, or, as my daughter put it, starting waaaaaaaayyyyy before she was born, we hosted an Oscars party at which to watch the Academy Awards telecast.  Food, prizes, and fun were had by everyone, especially my six-year-old who was promised that she could stay up to watch the performance […]

And the Nominees Are…

Ha ha!  The plan is working!  For Christmas this year my wife gave me movie passes so that we could prepare for Oscar season, and it has totally paid off!  Whereas in the distant past (B.C. – Before Children), we made it a goal to see every Oscar nominee (in every category), these days (A.D. […]