Twelve Adventures: #12 – Thanksgiving With the Pilgrims

So here we are in November of 2016, and while I have been avoiding social media and this very site, I have not stopped having adventures. We said we were going to have twelve, and twelve is what we were going to have, no matter how many unconstitutional parades tried to get in our way. […]

The Death of Dye

When my son was small (or was he ever small?  I can’t recall…), he was not allowed to have red things.  After one too many red Kool Aids or red Tummy Yummies, or red Popsicles that caused vomiting or other general illness, we decided that he was allergic to red dye, and so when we […]

A Day in Quebec City

For our ninth anniversary, my wife husbandnapped me and took me to Quebec City, the only walled city north of the Mexican border.  Clearly we were not going to leave without checking out the walls themselves, but first we took a little side trip to La Chute Montmorency. Montmorency Falls is a waterfall just a […]

The Mardi Gras Parade

On Saturday, Ruby and I went downtown to the Mardi Gras parade.  Edward and Simone were napping, but Ruby really wanted to go, so off we went.  Never mind that Mardi Gras was actually a week and a half earlier.  Who cares about boring specifics like the date when there is a parade to be […]

Pre-School Halloween Parade

Today was the pre-school Halloween Parade.  Tomorrow is also the pre-school Halloween Parade, but that’s not the point.  Tomorrow is for kids who don’t come on Mondays, so they can participate too.  Today was for us. We finally (and by we I mean my wife and mother) finished Ruby’s costume yesterday, so she was all […]

Walking the Heifers

Last weekend, my family and I went to the 10th annual “Strolling of the Heifers.”  This seemed like a uniquely Vermontish activity, and we have been looking for fun local events to go to.  Supposedly this event would include the actual strolling of the heifers, which I had imagined to be something akin to the […]

Memorial Day

I really was going to write a blog yesterday, even though my wife told me it was a holiday and I didn’t have to, but the day kind of got away from me.  The day included a parade, a BBQ, and the beginning of the dreaded tech week. Our Memorial Day began with the realization […]