Do You Have a Pet Disaster Plan?

Last week I had the privilege of participating in an online video chat with Dr. Kurt Venator: Purina Veterinarian. The subject? What happens to your pet in the event of a natural disaster. Purina, which actually does a lot to help out during natural disasters by donating pet food and other supplies, wanted some help […]

Anna/Elsa the Pugpoo Pikachu

When we traded our cats to my mother in exchange for a new puppy, we didn’t actually bring home any baby dogs.  Puppies cannot leave their mothers for at least 8 weeks, and our new bundle of destruction joy wasn’t old enough.  Until yesterday.  On my mother’s 60th birthday, we arrived for cake, ice cream, and […]

I Traded My Cats For a Puppy

We got JJ ten years ago, because a neighbor of a friend was getting a new boyfriend who didn’t like cats, and so JJ needed a new home.  Things were going well, except that my wife and I both worked in the city and were gone most of the day, and we felt that he was […]

To a Kid, Everyone is a Potential Friend

Why is it so hard to make new friends?  Why is it that many of our close friends are ones that we made when we were younger?  High school friends, college friends, even pre-school friends can stick with us for decades, often after years of separation.  One phone call and there you are, back in […]

Top Opera Names For Other Pets

I recently re-posted my “Top Opera Names For Pets” on Facebook, and it was pointed out to me that I left out some important pet-type animals from my list.  Sorry.  Let me fix that for you right now.  And if I still missed your personal best creature friend, please fill out the requisite forms and […]

Getting the Cat Out of the Barn

JJ is a braver cat than Mouse, so when it became time for the cats to try and escape from the house, it was JJ that made the first attempt.  We had mixed feelings about letting them outside.  They were indoor cats when we lived in our Silver Spring apartment, but loved the outdoors when […]

Top Opera Names For Pets

Here’s a common problem: you are an opera lover with a new pet and you want to come up with a name for your new friend that correctly expresses your love for opera.  Here’s a slightly less common problem: you are a pet lover with a new appreciation for opera, and you want to rename […]