What “Inside Out” Has to Say About Gender Roles

Warning: Once you get past this intro paragraph there will be plenty of spoilery talk about the new Pixar movie “Inside Out.” We saw it on Friday and I can’t stop thinking about it, and specifically how it presents the emotions with regards to gender. So I’m going to write about it and talk about […]

What Kids Remember

Kids have weird memories.  I always wonder what kinds of stuff they will actually recall from their childhood, and what will be lost to them.  For instance, both of my children were born in the same house in Baltimore, and Ruby can still describe it pretty well.  Edward only lived there for 6 months, so […]

Brave vs. Madagascar 3

Something crazy happened this past week.  Somehow the universe aligned and, for the first time since before I had kids probably, I went to see three different movies.  Not from the Redbox, not on the television, but in an actual movie theater!  I feel so spoiled.  Two of the movies I took my whole family […]