When Your Plans Are Interrupted, You Make New Plans

I never check the news when I am travelling. My normal routine is disrupted, I am busy doing exciting things, and so I often will come home to find out that there has been some sort of major event, natural disaster, celebrity death, or presidential election while I was away for the week and I […]

It’s a Pizza… Covered in Fritos!

I couldn’t resist.  I love trying new things.  Yes, most new things are terrible, but I have to try them.  Root beer flavored Oreos.  Grape candy corn.  Cheeseburgers made of turkey.  All disgusting.  But I have tried them.  So it should come as no surprise then, that when I open the Papa John’s website to […]

Edward’s Thoughts on Preschool

You know, I was really looking forward to sending Edward to preschool.  Freedom!  Four mornings a week to myself!  And then he had to go and get on that stupid bus and make me all sad and stuff.  Not cool.  His Mom rode in with him for his first day and then I had to […]

Tenor Dad’s Sure-Fire Vacation Tips

As a seasoned traveler with young children, and once in a while without them, I have come to learn a great number of things that I think might be of use to the rest of the world.  And since I am so generous and giving, I have decided to share them with you now.  You’re […]

Burger Night at Bread and Butter Farm

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about something awesome and local.  Unless you do not live in Vermont, in which case I would like to tell you about something awesome and far away that you will probably never experience.  What is this exciting thing?!  Why, it is my new place of […]

When the Manager Comes to Your Table

I have a question for you, dear readers.  I want to know who is crazy here.  There are big changes afoot at the pizza place.  We’ve hired a guy to come in and, well, basically “fix” everything.  Technically he is there for marketing, but he has also firmly established himself in all areas of the […]

What I Should Have Said To That Guy

Here is what actually occurred last night while on a pizza delivery: Me: That will be $23.79.Punk: Ok, here’s $24.Me: (standing, waiting incredulously)Punk: Soooo, is that it? Here is what SHOULD have happened: Version 1Me: That will be $23.79.Punk: Ok, here’s $24.Me: Huh.  You know, you may not be aware of this, but it is […]

Pizza Ninja

As a pizza ninja, I am in possession of a wide array of skills, such as pizza twirling, dough stretching, and mop fighting, but nowhere do my skills come into play more, than when I am out on a delivery. When you are in the field, you have to stay alert at all times, as […]

The Customer is Always Right About to Get Punched

As you may or may not know, I now make pizzas for half a living on the nights and weekends, in order to support my opera career.  When I took this job, my good friend Dr. A-Z predicted that my future blog posts that did not involve opera or parenting would now be about food […]