When Your Plans Are Interrupted, You Make New Plans

I never check the news when I am travelling. My normal routine is disrupted, I am busy doing exciting things, and so I often will come home to find out that there has been some sort of major event, natural disaster, celebrity death, or presidential election while I was away for the week and I […]

How to Deal With Dating in Kindergarten

He insisted on a bike ride, even though my bike is broken, so I jogged along behind him with the dog straining at her leash, trying desperately to keep up with speed demon Edward.  I tried to convince him to stay within eyesight, and this worked for a while, but soon we got closer to […]

Instant Playground – Just Add Imagination

Yesterday, our courtyard mysteriously filled up with cardboard boxes and a city was built. Hideouts were constructed, alliances were formed, and a world was created. Legend tells of a kitchen that was installed, causing the appearance of the boxes, but the truth may never be known. Regardless, there was fun to be had, and it was […]

The Problem With My Brain

There is a problem with my brain.  I suspect that I may have ADD.  Or ADHD.  Or whatever they are calling it these days.  Thinking about it now, I was definitely that kid back in school, and even though they didn’t have Ritalin in those days, I’m sure they would have tried to give it […]

Why I Fell Off of the Swings

We finally had a nice day yesterday, full of warm weather and the promise of the coming Spring, and so I decided that it was time to emerge from hibernation and take the kids to the playground.  The first playground visit of Spring is always an exciting time.  You get to see what new skills […]