Music We Are Thankful For This Fall

Wow, I can’t believe it is Thanksgiving tomorrow! I have been so busy this fall that it feels as though summer were yesterday and I am almost ready to start making Halloween costumes. But I’ve done that, and so much more. I miss writing every day on this page but, as my daughter tells me, […]

Infamous Gigs: Exclusive Ralph’s World Edition!

We have had a special place in our heart for Ralph’s World for many years, partly owing to the fantastic music that Ralph Covert makes, but perhaps in large part due to the fact that he wrote a song called “Edward the Tap-Dancing Elephant,” and with so few ‘Edward’ songs out there (and so many ‘Ruby’ […]

Dance Away the End of Summer

Well, summer is just about over. The kids are going back to school in two days, the leaves are already turning, and there is a morning chill in the air. But what have we been listening to this summer? Well, mostly dance remixes for some reason. Laurie Berkner has a new album of old favorites […]

Blue and Red Make Purple – Music For a Melting Pot

I don’t suppose it is a coincidence that, in mulling over the stack of items I have been sent for possible review two weeks before the election, I was drawn to something called “Blue and Red Make Purple.” The news has been talking about the “purple states” lately (could Texas become a purple state?!) but […]

The State of the World’s Ghostbusters in 2016

Let me be clear right from the start that the original Ghostbusters is my favorite movie of all time. And so when I was angry about the remake (and I was angry about the remake), it had nothing to do with gender, but with the fact that it would be a hard reboot, and not […]

The First Classical Music I Ever Purchased

Back when I was in high school and excited to enjoy my new CD player I quickly began diverting all of my funds in the direction of music. I bought soundtracks of movies that I loved, I bought the latest pop hits, and I bought whatever else I could get my hands on. There was […]

Saddle Up! – New Music for Kids on Star Wars Day

Did you know that Star Wars was really just a western set in space? Seriously, the whole thing could have been set in Colorado and it would have worked. Farmhand and grizzled old hermit meet cowboy and go off to fight the government while trying to save the scrappy saloon owner’s daughter? Yeah, it works. […]

Brundibar: My Daughter’s First Opera

For those of you just joining us here at Tenor Dad, I should inform you before we begin that I am not talking about my daughter seeing her first opera. No, avid readers will recall that her first opera that she ever saw was Gianni Schicchi at the age of 4. Therefore, I cannot be writing […]