The Real Meaning Behind “Let It Snow”

It’s snowing, and so to celebrate this first “walk to school in the snow” moment of the year I broke out my favorite anthem of snow celebration, that classic winter song of joy, “Let it Snow.” And never before today had it occurred to me that I’m using it incorrectly. The song does not mean […]

The Reason I Am Depressed This Spring

Something feels off. Something isn’t right. I know it’s probably actually me, but in the back of my heart I still feel the pulse of a larger discordance, even though no one else seems to feel it. I am not in my happy place. It’s been a week or so now, and I just can’t […]

Snowball Fight

I hardly could sleep. I waited all night. I’m ready to win the snowball fight. Yesterday, all day, I made preparations. Hundred of snowballs await detonation. I’ve piled them up right here in my sled. I launch ’bout a dozen, direct to your head. This system I’ve rigged up will let ’em all fly. I’ll blot […]

Dancing Through Angels

I was in a hurry. I was on my way to school. I was late. Pick up was in a few short minutes and I had been delayed when the dog suddenly decided to need a pee break at an unexpected time, so I was jogging through the cold winter air, trying to beat the […]

Winter Is Not Coming

I am reporting here from warm and sunny Vermont. That sentence ought to terrify you when you realize that it is December. Yes, this is December 11th, and the high today is 54. It has not snowed yet this season, and we don’t expect it to either. I don’t care what Fox News says, we are in […]

Letting It Go at the Stratton Ice Castle

I don’t think I can sing Geico’s praises highly enough, which might be a weird way to start a story about an ice palace, but if it wasn’t for their helpful rule-bending then we wouldn’t have been able to go. After our car was smashed into by an uninsured villain motorist on Thursday, we were left […]

How We Got Up the Other Side

Turning around to walk back in the direction of the car, I saw a road. A ROAD! Seriously?! After plunging boots first over an icy cliff and sliding through a gauntlet of trees and thorns to wind up on somebody’s second story deck on the way down, I was a little chagrined to see that, […]

A Quick Plunge Over a Tall Cliff

I was not going to be late this time. My wife and daughter were jumping into the icy lake at 11:00 sharp. I was home with the boy, and we were going to be out the door at 10:30, and no later. I looked at my watch at 10:35 and shouted “Edward! Get your stuff […]

The 7 Stages of Cold

I woke up this morning and, with the wind chill, it was -15 degrees outside. That is frickin’ cold. But it’s not really any worse than if it was -10 out. Seriously, once you get below zero you are in the final level of coldness, whose stages I will now explain to you. STAGE 1: 60s […]

A Close Call With a Large Truck

The roads were bad when I dropped Ruby off at climbing, and they were worse when I drove to my rehearsal.  By the time I got out and prepared to make my way home, the snow, ice, sleet, hail, and general slush falling from the sky had made them almost impassable.  I pulled my hood […]