I Only Like It When I’m Doing It

I didn’t want to write this post. I’ve been putting it off. I’m too busy, too many others things going on, and so I have neglected this as if it were a chore, something draining, and I just didn’t feel like doing it. But now that I’m writing I feel great. I love writing! Why […]

Teaching High School is a Lot Like Watching a Sitcom

I was trying to explain to my wife why I was cracking up during the serious parts of the musical that we were watching last weekend. We sat in the audience with the other families, friends, co-workers, strangers, and community members enjoying an excellent performance of the musical “Big Fish.” The cast was populated by […]

The Difference Between a Voice Student and a Voice Studio

I used to have voice students. I still do, but I used to too. Only now there are a lot more of them. Now I have a voice studio. And a voice studio is very different from a voice student or two, as I am quickly discovering. When I had only a few voice students it […]

Goodbye Thursdays

I had plans to write something great today. I was going to tell you how Ruby and I both got glasses, and how cute we were, and how excited she was. I was going to tell you that Edward was jealous, but that he will also be getting glasses in a few weeks after further […]

Day One of Being a High School Voice Teacher

For those of you who care about what I am doing when I am not writing, last week I began a new job as a high school voice teacher. The set-up couldn’t be sweeter. The school finds all the students, schedules them, and gives me a room in which to teach. But I am not employed by […]

How Do We Learn to Shower?

My wife decided to clean the shower curtain the other day, which included tossing out the old liner and laundering the opaque, flowered, outer curtain with the rest of the laundry.  Since she was in charge of the lining, the shiny new clear plastic curtain was up immediately.  Since I am in charge of the […]

What If My Kids Want to Be Musicians?!

So here’s a funny thought.  I am a musician by trade, and my children are way too young to know what they want to be yet.  They think they know, but I don’t believe “Iron Man” is an actual job.  At least not yet.  But someday they will have to make career choices, and there […]

My First Voice Lesson

Today I finished up my first year of teaching voice at an official college.  Last night two of my students sang in a recital, and this morning, between hospital drop off and pick up times for my son, I taught my last lessons of the semester.  Now that I am on the other side of […]

Trapped Between Two Lives

It’s funny how life seems to keep happening, no matter how much you wish it would just take a break for a minute.  No sooner have you figured something out, but it changes.  Or you change.  Or the world changes around you.  Sometimes you don’t even notice the difference until long after it has settled […]

The Secret to Teaching Voice Lessons

As I may have mentioned at some point, or perhaps I haven’t, I am a voice teacher in addition to being a singer.  In fact, I have a job teaching at a local college.  When I get mail from them, it says professor on it!  This is good news, except for the horrible fact that […]