Infamous Gigs: Exclusive Ralph’s World Edition!

We have had a special place in our heart for Ralph’s World for many years, partly owing to the fantastic music that Ralph Covert makes, but perhaps in large part due to the fact that he wrote a song called “Edward the Tap-Dancing Elephant,” and with so few ‘Edward’ songs out there (and so many ‘Ruby’ […]

Here’s Who Your Favorite Opera Characters Are Voting For Today

Well, it’s been a crazy election season, but today it all culminates in that simple action of a vote. Here in opera land we have been at the polls all morning, trying to get statements from some of the more recognizable characters as to which candidate they cast their ballots for. Some were very willing […]

The Difference Between a Voice Student and a Voice Studio

I used to have voice students. I still do, but I used to too. Only now there are a lot more of them. Now I have a voice studio. And a voice studio is very different from a voice student or two, as I am quickly discovering. When I had only a few voice students it […]

Day One of Being a High School Voice Teacher

For those of you who care about what I am doing when I am not writing, last week I began a new job as a high school voice teacher. The set-up couldn’t be sweeter. The school finds all the students, schedules them, and gives me a room in which to teach. But I am not employed by […]

A 9-Year-Old Girl’s Thoughts on a Gershwin Classic

Ruby, unlike her father, does not like stuff. She was complaining about it so much today that I put on the song “I’ve Got Plenty O’ Nuttin’” from the Gershwin opera Porgy and Bess. She definitely had some thoughts about it, and she provided a running commentary for the song, which I will now attempt to […]

The First Classical Music I Ever Purchased

Back when I was in high school and excited to enjoy my new CD player I quickly began diverting all of my funds in the direction of music. I bought soundtracks of movies that I loved, I bought the latest pop hits, and I bought whatever else I could get my hands on. There was […]

Top 40 Hits as Re-Written For My Children

As you know if you follow this blog, there is a trend in kids music that involves adult musicians making sophisticated albums for children. This is good, because it means parents and kids alike can listen to the same songs without anyone wanting to cover their ears. But this does not solve the issue of […]

What’s the Deal with Danny Weinkauf?

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, “What’s the deal with Danny Weinkauf?” Who is this guy? Where did he come from? Why is he everywhere? How does he have time to be everywhere? Does he have superpowers? If so, which superpowers does he have? Can he give me superpowers? Why not? These are […]

New Spring Music For Kids!

Last week you had the chance to win some new music from Raffi, and I am happy to report that the contest has been won by local Vermont person Conga Insanity. Conga has entered every one of my giveaways and has never won before, so I’m sure she will be thrilled to discover not only […]