Here’s Who Your Favorite Opera Characters Are Voting For Today

Well, it’s been a crazy election season, but today it all culminates in that simple action of a vote. Here in opera land we have been at the polls all morning, trying to get statements from some of the more recognizable characters as to which candidate they cast their ballots for. Some were very willing […]

Why Do Children Always Try to Vote Third Party?

Here in Vermont it is election day. I just voted in the primaries, although I did not get a cool “I Voted” sticker, which was disappointing. We should give as much love to the primaries as we do the general election! There wasn’t even a bake sale today! How are we going to get people […]

Who Is Voting Is As Important As Who Is Running

Sunday night I hosted my 13th annual Oscars party, and a group of people slightly too large for my apartment gathered in my living room to watch the show. We had our normal foods, Revenachos, Mad Snax: Veggie Road, The Cheese Danish Girl, and a Bridge of Pies. We had a spotlight on some cheese […]

Get Out and Vote! Taylor Swift is Off Spotify!

There are two important things happening in the United States today and, believe it or not, they are related.  The first, of course, is that today is the day of the midterm elections.  A day when a small minority of annoyed Americans will go out to the polls and try to defeat their enemies.  And […]

Music is the First to Go

It is school budget voting day today here in Burlington.  Again.  Voters previously rejected the school budget, so now we have to vote on version 2.  And a lot of things have happened since version 1.  For one thing, we have many new school board members.  We didn’t just reject the budget, but the folks […]

Virginia’s Electoral Votes

A recent article in the Huffington Post (via the Richmond Times-Dispatch) states that the Commonwealth of Virgina (commonwealth?  hmmmm, sounds socialist…) wants to divide up their electoral votes by congressional district, rather than giving them all to whoever wins the popular vote overall.  Or rather a Senate subcommittee decided this with no recommendation.  They do […]