My Son Is Wonder Woman

I wasn’t sure about taking my son to see Wonder Woman. He’s only seven, and it seemed like it might be a little intense for him. He didn’t even want to go! Both he and my daughter had to be dragged to the movies, which seems ridiculous to me as a movie lover, but there […]

These Are Not the Answers You’re Looking For

In the midst of our frenetic holiday weekend, after the Walk for Wishes and before the horse racing, we got to hang out and watch a baseball game. Not only was it Make-A-Wish night for those of us who had been walking, but it was also (thanks to two previous rained-out evenings) Star Wars night. […]

The Latest 35 Mix For Kids

If you are a regular reader around here, then you know that I have on my iPod a playlist called the “Latest 25 Mix,” containing the last 25 songs to catch my ear. It is a rotating list, so when a new songs comes onto it, it means another song is bumped off, and so […]