The New JG Wentworth Opera Commercial

Don’t worry folks, this is not turning into a video blog, we’ll be back tomorrow with your regularly scheduled programming. It’s just funny how the timing happened to work out on this one. You may recall last November that I recorded my first television commercial.  I had no idea when it would be released, or when I would be paid for it, but it was a lot of fun anyway, and I promised to post the video as soon as it was available.

Yesterday, I used this blog to show off the results of extreme boredom with a video of a song about Coke that I wrote.  Will it be part of a song cycle?  Is Mountain Dew next?  Only time will tell, but as luck would have it, yesterday afternoon the new JG Wentworth commercial was released to the world.  This was not news that I could sit on, so I have decided to do the unprecedented deed of featuring videos on my blog two days in a row.

For clarification’s sake, this video tells three different stories of financial crisis and the need to get immediate cash.  First we have a man in the shower (voiced by me!) who is upset when something catastrophic happens to his pipes and his house floods.  Then we have a woman with car trouble (not voiced by me) who gets picked up by a tow truck driver (also not me) and taken to two mechanics (one of which is me).  Finally, the scene opens on a new dad (me again!) and mom in the hospital with twenty three new singing babies, none of which are voiced by me.

Now that you know the score, please enjoy watching my voice come out of other people’s mouths in the fabulous new JG Wentworth advertisement, and don’t forget to call 877-CASH-NOW if you find yourself in one of these, or similar, situations.

Posted in J.G. Wentworth, Opera, Video.


  1. You’re much more attractive than those people! Nice job, that is really really cool. Also, this song will be stuck in my head now for eternity.

  2. OK… I’ve seen this commercial… and has anyone noticed that the tow truck driver has his hands on that womans buttocks! yes he does… in two scenes.

  3. Hell, I’ve got lots of buds who are in the Music/Opera business who are simply thrilled to see honest to God singers getting more honest to God work in today’s mainstream. And what can I say, I’m a sucker for a good tune from a good set of pipes, I still have the damn song stuck in my head from the first commercial and this has only cemented things. Excellent work and do please keep it up, you’re only helping to remind the rest of us that “classical” singing still has a place in every facet of the world today and tomorrow. Thumbs up!

  4. I really love these commercials. It is really hard to find out any info on the singers,orabout their characters. Can you help? I’d love to join a fan club!

  5. I heartily approve of this kind of commercial. It, at least in a small way, counters the present day deplorable decline in the American culture which is demonstrated in the typical commercial advertising all over TV.
    Jim K

  6. Very good commercial. I remember all of the words and the phone number as well.

    My good friend used to tune the pianos for the Metropolitan Opera House, and he introduced me to opera. I now appreciate good voices.

  7. I really like the commercial and I particularly like how the structure of the song is true to operettas I have heard. It’s just an innovative and unusual commercial. And they even infuse it with humor (the actor with the horns).

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