These Are Not the Answers You’re Looking For

In the midst of our frenetic holiday weekend, after the Walk for Wishes and before the horse racing, we got to hang out and watch a baseball game. Not only was it Make-A-Wish night for those of us who had been walking, but it was also (thanks to two previous rained-out evenings) Star Wars night. […]

How To Entertain Your Young Children at Fenway Park

This past weekend I accidentally took my family to the hottest, most boring place in the entire universe: Fenway Park. We were there to watch the Red Sox defeat the Astros 5-4, and while we did technically do that, we had to do a lot of other things as well because of how not cool […]

All About That Tenor

I have noticed a very disturbing trend in society today.  The glorification of one set of characteristics over another and prejudices built into our very subconscious minds have led to an evil that we must work together to stop.  I am referring, of course, to the bass voice.  Not that the voice in and of […]

The Best Seats in the Whole Place

Every time we try to go to a local baseball game it either rains, or is sparsely attended.  We buy bad seats and then sneak into the good ones, or else we go home wet and early.  I was not worried at all about the game selling out, even with the draw of 25 cent […]

Do Unto Which Others?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Seems pretty simple, right?  Whenever you are dealing with another human being, put yourself in their shoes.  Imagine what you would want if you were them, and then do that thing.  The golden rule.  But it gets complicated pretty quickly when you add more […]

Little League Games and Middle School Band Concerts

The first time you try something, you are probably not going to be very good at it.  And if you are good at it, you will not be as good at it as the twentieth time you do it.  Even if you have previously gotten good at all of the skills that you will need […]

Singing The National Anthem at Fenway Park

Well, I finally did it.  I sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” on the field at Fenway Park.  It’s been a long time since I won that contest back in January, and now it’s hard to believe that it’s all over. We started the day by taking the “T” in for my 9:30 am sound check.  I […]